Jay W. Curry

Jay Curry Nov 2010

Curry Advisors is the vehicle I use to realize my passion to serve others.  I try to satisfy that drive in two arenas. First, as an trained and certified executive coach I facilitate two Vistage CEO Round-tables for business leaders of companies in the $1mm to $300mm revenue range. I also Co-Chair a Vistage Trusted Adviser group of proven service providers in the Houston area. Through my second venue, I offer my forty years consulting experience to owners, often private equity firms, who are 1) striving for, if not already experiencing hyper-growth or 2) companies who are either contemplating major IT investments or are already heavily dependent upon their IT resources. Overall I coach between forty and fifty caring and growing business leaders in the Houston area and I am always looking for leaders who want to do things that matter with leaders who care.  Here’s a short summary of my four focus areas:

Executive Coaching Program: For leaders and owners of companies generally in the $5mm to $500mm range, I have facilitate a Vistage Small Business Roundtable.  This is a group of 16 to 18 remarkable leaders ranging from age 33 to 60 who recognize the value of a peer advisory board of experienced business leaders from very diverse backgrounds who are committed to personal growth as both a leader and a person.

Small Business Mentoring: For leaders of smaller companies generally in the $1mm to $5mm range, I have a Mentoring Program centered on a Vistage Small Business Roundtable.  This group is a mixture of Small-Medium size Business (SMB) owners and key management personal from my Executive Coaching Program.  This hybrid approach offers business owners of smaller but growing business exposure to the issues of key members of larger companies are dealing with while offering key members exposure to the issues SMB owners are grappling to overcome. It is a powerful combination.

Trusted Adviser Group: I also co-lead a Vistage Trusted Adviser group of 16 to 18 highly skilled and experienced service providers who are committed to the ‘pay it forward’ concept of cross-selling and who have a strong reputation for serving the SMB market place.

Jay can be reached at Jay@CurryAdvisors.com.

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